Let’s talk about… listening


When was the last time you were truly listened to?

I don’t mean in your personal life, I’m not straying into relationship advice here (though the principles may well play out in this way as well). No, in this post I’m talking about in the life of your work. 

When was the last time someone just sat and listened to you

When did someone last truly listen to an account of where you are at with your work - to your successes, your challenges, and your ideas? 

When was the last time you bounced out of a room (or a call), energised by the simple act of someone paying you the attention your professional commitment deserves?

Maybe you’re someone who has this experience consistently, you might have a friend, a partner, a mentor, or a colleague who gives you access to this experience regularly. That’s great, and long may it continue. 

However, if you’re one of the many people working hard, or dreaming about developing something new to work hard on, and you’re feeling isolated, it could be time to proactively seek out a new kind of conversation. 

Even if you’re not having such an energised feeling regularly, it’s likely that you have experienced it at some point. Maybe it was when you took up a new job, or more than likely it was when you were creating ideas around a new business - did you start this company in the end? How’s it going now? Or is the idea still swirling around your head? 

Whether you’re in either of these scenarios, are you craving an experience of this feeling of being highly motivated on a more consistent basis?

If you are, I’m going to make a simple suggestion - invest. 

In the same way that you recognise the value of investing in certain aspects of your work, such as the best products to sell or the best training to enhance your expertise, it could be time to invest also in an energy-inducing experience of being listened to. 

Who is the best person to seek out for such an experience? That something that you need to think about carefully, and it could be that it requires a few tries with different people. However, as you make yourself vulnerable in this way, it is certain that something positive will arise from the act in terms of your business, or your idea for a business, moving onto another level. 

If you think Atom creates is a good fit for you, then the initial consultation with Atom might be the perfect place to start - I’m hear and ready to listen whenever suits you. 

If it’s somewhere else, I genuinely wish you every success in those conversations.

The main thing is that if you are feeling the need to share, then find the best place to do this and don’t put if off a minute longer. 


Let’s talk about… perspective


Let’s talk about… timely investment